Friday, December 7, 2012

Review: Planetside 2

A new Massively Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter enters the Free-to-Play market, and it’s out to make a big bang. Planetside 2 features high-end graphics for an MMO, and boasts a persistent world where thousands of players fight for territory on the world of Auraxis. Unlike most FPS games, you can often find yourself playing part in battlefronts with hundreds of other soldiers, sieging enemy bases, or defending important objectives. Unfortunately this also means the game will run computers with lower specs into the ground. Overall, Planetside 2 can be quite fun and addicting for FPS lovers, but not without its own issues and shortcomings.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

FFS: Planetside 2

Funs, Frustrations, and Suggestions: Planetside 2

For the past several days I've been playing the First-Person Shooter MMO, Planetside 2, and found myself enjoying the game quite a bit. I haven't played the original Planetside, so I knew very little going into the game. Overall I find the game really fun for FPS players and worth trying out. Did I also mention that it's Free-to-Play? Here are some of my funs and frustrations with the game so far:

  • Good for hardcore and casual players
    • Casual players can just go in and mindlessly kill the enemy.
    • More serious players have objectives to capture for territorial conquest.
  • No commitment or demand to play
    • Can play for any length of time. Not necessary to dedicate a part of your day to get through content.
  • No real "quests" or "content"
    • No rails for your gaming experience.
    • No level limits or content separating players.
    • This can be stale for some players though, since it can get repetitive.