Friday, July 20, 2012

League of Legends: The Mighty Jungle

This is a post I wrote for a League of Legends fansite back in 2010. Some of it may have been changed to keep it more up-to-date.

In my previous article, “In the Jungle”, I addressed the benefits of jungling, and possible counter-jungling strategies. While it is important to learn how to deal with junglers, it is also important to realize the potentials of the jungle outside of jungling.

The Fastest Path

The jungle, while it may be a little bit windy, often yields the quickest path between lanes apart from the river and at the outer wall of the bases. Similarly, it can serve as the fastest way to get to Dragon or Baron, as well as to the middle of lanes and the river. It is very important to keep this all in mind, as every split second makes a difference in a match. If some of your teammates are engage in battle, and your swift reinforcement can tip the scales in your favor, you must react fast and get to the scene as quick as possible. The time it takes you to reach the battle can mean the difference between victory and defeat, so it is always critical to know the quickest way to reach your destination (while also considering safety).
Now let us suppose a battle did occur, but your help wasn’t needed, or you were too far to make it there on time. Your team has won the battle, and the enemy champions are on the run. An enemy champion managed to gain enough distance from your team to survive, but he is running down the river. The jungle is often the quickest way to intercept your enemies, as they often yield the shortest path to your destination. Similarly, this is also the case for your enemies, as the jungle often provides the shortest path to their safety. You can use this to your advantage to predict where someone will run, and plan your interception with that in mind. However, your enemies likely realize all of this as well, so it is best to exercise caution when necessary.