Friday, July 20, 2012

League of Legends: The Mighty Jungle

This is a post I wrote for a League of Legends fansite back in 2010. Some of it may have been changed to keep it more up-to-date.

In my previous article, “In the Jungle”, I addressed the benefits of jungling, and possible counter-jungling strategies. While it is important to learn how to deal with junglers, it is also important to realize the potentials of the jungle outside of jungling.

The Fastest Path

The jungle, while it may be a little bit windy, often yields the quickest path between lanes apart from the river and at the outer wall of the bases. Similarly, it can serve as the fastest way to get to Dragon or Baron, as well as to the middle of lanes and the river. It is very important to keep this all in mind, as every split second makes a difference in a match. If some of your teammates are engage in battle, and your swift reinforcement can tip the scales in your favor, you must react fast and get to the scene as quick as possible. The time it takes you to reach the battle can mean the difference between victory and defeat, so it is always critical to know the quickest way to reach your destination (while also considering safety).
Now let us suppose a battle did occur, but your help wasn’t needed, or you were too far to make it there on time. Your team has won the battle, and the enemy champions are on the run. An enemy champion managed to gain enough distance from your team to survive, but he is running down the river. The jungle is often the quickest way to intercept your enemies, as they often yield the shortest path to your destination. Similarly, this is also the case for your enemies, as the jungle often provides the shortest path to their safety. You can use this to your advantage to predict where someone will run, and plan your interception with that in mind. However, your enemies likely realize all of this as well, so it is best to exercise caution when necessary.

Run Away!

One obvious use of the jungle is to run for your life. If you are being chased and you have a chance of escaping, the jungle is probably your best bet for survival. Since the jungle holds split paths, as opposed to running straight down a lane, it is much easier to lose your pursuers around corners and through brush patches. Since you cannot see around corners without some external form of vision, rounding a corner and heading off in a different direction can often allow you to escape, assuming you had enough distance to begin with. This makes it difficult for the opposing team to predict your escape route, and provides you with more alternative routes should one get cut off.
The jungle also tends to have several patches of brush, which serve well for outmaneuvering your enemies. You can find a few tips about the brush in my post, “ Master the Brush”. Learning where the brush patches are on the map can make the difference between life and death, as does learning how to use the brush to evade your enemies.
Another excellent way to use the jungle to escape is in conjunction with the summoner spell Flash, or skills such as Arcane Shift, Rocket Jump, Valkyrie, and Rift Walk. Nearly every wall of the jungle is thin enough to hop over, allowing to pass through solid wall to escape a bad situation. This either forces your enemies to try to catch up to you by cutting off your possible escape routes, or by using their own Flash or mobility ability. This hopping over walls can easily save you from death, as it creates a large distance between you and your pursuers, as well as puts you in their fog of war so it becomes difficult for them to predict your path or land spells on you.
The jungle also has some less obvious tools of escape, which are the neutral camps. One potential use of neutral camps are for skills such as Shunpo, Shadow Dance, Leap Strike, and Audacious Charge, which require a target. Gaining sight of a neutral camp as you’re running away from your enemies can net you some extra distance, which can save you from being in the range of enemy skills or attacks. Another use for neutrals, but even more situational, is to use them as a type of shield. One example would be if Blitzcrank were chasing you, and his Rocket Grab is about to finish cooling down, you could attack the neutral camp as you pass by it so the neutrals chase you. This provides cover from being snatched by Rocket Grab. This tactic works against the majority of skill shots, such as Mystic Shot, Dark Binding, and Bandage Toss.


Okay, enough about running. The very design of the jungle, which can help you escape, can also be used to kill. The many turns of the jungle prevents full vision of what awaits you. What you may think to be an escape route may in fact be an interception point. However, this can be used to your advantage as well. In each jungle lie a few forks, a couple of which have brush patches. These often make for great ambush points for the unwary and careless. When you’re in the jungle, the brush isn’t even necessary to ambush someone since you can simply wait around a corner, and as soon as they peak around into vision, you can ambush them before they react.
While you can wait around to ambush someone in the jungle, you can also actively ambush as well. Since the walls in the jungle can be hopped over with skills or Flash, you can ambush your enemies through the wall. For example, if there is an enemy champion with low health hiding near their inner tower, and you’re a Fiddle who has most of his health, you can Crow Storm over the wall and into the champion, killing the champion then escaping before the tower kills you. Another example is if someone is over-extending, and is near a jungle, you and your team can initiate on them from through the wall with Amumu and Bandage Toss, catching them by surprise, while stunning them and possibly rooting them to the spot if necessary. You can also actively ambush enemies who are inside the jungle when they’re clearing neutrals or passing through.
Rather than hop over walls, there is the special case of Blitzcrank who can ambush his opponents by pulling them through the wall. This is a particularly effective technique if the opposing champions cannot predict where you are, and you catch them off-guard. Pulling someone through the jungle wall into your team will often net you a swift kill unless they have Flash or a blink skill and manage to survive long enough to use it.

Random Tips

Neutral Tethers

Every neutral, apart from Baron Nashor, has a “tether” that keeps them within a certain range of their spawn point. A tether is an invisible range detection mechanic, which forces NPCs to return to their position prior to disruption if they are pulled beyond a certain distance. When a neutral is pulled beyond its tether limit and it regenerates a percentage of its health every second and walks back to its original point. It’s important to be aware of this distance, as it can be used to your advantage when killing neutrals.
The tethers can be exploited for certain jungling situations. For example, if you are a ranged champion and you want to kill the wraith camp, but want to minimize the damage you receive, you can abuse the fact that only the blue wraith is ranged. An example would be for Ashe, if you had only a small window of time to kill a wraith before returning to mid-lane. As Ashe, you can stand outside of the wraith’s wall and Volley through the wall into the wraiths, causing the blue wraith to attack you while the red ones try to walk around to attack you. The red wraiths attempt to loop around the wall, but quickly decide that they are too lazy to take a few extra steps to attack you, making them reset from their tether. However, the blue wraith doesn’t reset, and you can continue to kill it undisturbed by the red wraiths. Similarly, this tactic can be used at Lizard and Golem, since the small minions are ranged, while the Lizard and Golem are not
While ranged champions clearly have the most benefit in exploiting neutral tethers, melee can still use them to their advantage. One example is when you are fighting the double mini-golem camp. When you engage the two golems, slowly pull them out toward the edge of their tether range. At the edge of the range, slowly try to adjust your position so the second golem has to step right outside of its tether range to approach you, while keeping your primary target within tether range. If done successfully, the second golem will reset and walk back toward its original position, while your target stays. The second golem will return though if you are still fighting the first one by the time it returns to its position, but it does net you quite a bit of time of not being punched by two of them simultaneously.

Maximize Your Time

In a close match, every little thing you do can make the difference between victory and defeat. If you are ever in a lane, and you push it out too far to safely stay at the creepline, you can maximize your time by stopping by your jungle to clear a neutral camp or two until it's safe for you to return to your lane. Similarly, if you are waiting for your teammates to group up nearby, you should clear a neutral camp while you wait. Another time would be after a strong push against the enemy team, especially if you’ve killed a couple of them. When you back out, you should venture into the enemy’s jungle and starve them as much as possible while it is safe, in order to deny them the experience and gold, while increasing your own. Ideally, you want to control both jungles as much as possible to increases the experience and gold difference between your team and the enemy’s. This is especially true for Dragon, Golem, and Lizard, as they create the largest difference between the teams (apart from Baron). However, when trying to maximize your time, you can’t forget about your lanes, or your team. Don’t get distracted. It can cost your team the game. Also keep in mind the status of the battlefield when you go into the jungle so you don’t forfeit any turrets or get ganked while you’re in there.

Keep an Eye on the Time

Neutral camps have respawn timers, and it can be very important to keep track of them. This primarily applies to Dragon, Baron, Golem, and Lizard. Keeping track of these timers can allow you to quickly defend or take these respawns by preparing yourself ahead of time. If the enemy team is keeping track of the timers and your team is not, your team may lose out on one of these major neutral camps, which may put your team at a disadvantage.

Respawn times:
Wraiths - 0:50
Wolves - 1:00
Golems - 1:00
Ancient Golem (Blue Buff) - 5:00
Lizard Elder (Red Buff) - 5:00
Dragon - 6:00
Baron Nashor - 7:00

Heal Up

If you’re missing health and you have life leech or spell vamp, you can venture into the jungle and grab a little health by killing some neutrals. Every little bit of health can make a difference in a battle. Just make sure you don’t get ganked, and actually leech enough to gain health rather than lose it.


Just because someone tags the neutrals first doesn’t mean the person who tagged it has to be the one to kill it. For example, if you spot an enemy champion killing neutrals, especially key ones, and are able to steal the neutral and escape without receiving much damage, then do it! Stealing buffs, in particular, is a useful tactic to help gain the advantage in a game. Not only does the enemy do all the work for you, but you make out with the experience, gold and buff in the end. On the flip side, watch out for possible thieves as well. Be sure to have your abilities up to burst down the last bit of health on key neutrals. Save Smite to finish them off in order to prevent any opponents from stealing them.

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