Thursday, July 19, 2012

League of Legends: In the Jungle

This is a post I wrote for a League of Legends fansite back in 2010. Some of it may have been changed to keep it more up-to-date.

In the Jungle

The jungle plays a critical part in a Summoner's Rift game. The jungle serves as a means of escape, ambush, and pursuit. It also provides gold, experience, and buffs. Junglers dwell here and are one of the most influential roles in a match. With this in mind, it is important to learn how to minimize these benefits as much as possible for the enemy team. Before I delve into possible counter-jungling strategies, we must understand what a jungler brings to the team, and why a jungler is a threat.

League of Legends: Ganking

This is a post I wrote for a League of Legends fansite back in 2010. Some of it may have been changed to keep it more up-to-date.

Why Gank?

Ganking can shift the balance of an entire match. Ganking allows a team to set the pace. With a successful gank, you place the ganked champion at a major disadvantage in both gold and experience. Successfully ganking a jungler sets them behind on experience, and also steals their jungle buffs. It also temporarily frees up the enemy jungle until the jungler respawns, or if the enemy team decides to roam their jungle in attempt to avenge their fallen comrade.

Successfully ganking a person in lane allows the lane to be easily pushed. A gank can quickly turn a lane from 2v2 to 3v1, which often means a destroyed turret. At the very least, it forces the lane onto the defensive, allowing the team to zone the remaining laner away from the minion front, depriving them of experience and gold.

League of Legends: Seeing is Believing (Wards)

This is a post I wrote for a League of Legends fansite back in 2010. Some of it may have been changed to keep it more up-to-date.

Seeing is Believing

Wards. Oh, wards. Why for do you receive such little attention? Why for do so many find you unworthy of purchase? Why for do people give you so little credit? Why for are you only used for Dragon and Baron? Why for do you have so much potential, yet people choose not to utilize it? Why for am I writing like this?

Fear no longer, wards, for I shall give you the time of day. No longer will your value be hidden in silence. No longer shall you be an item of small notice. I shall glorify you, appraise and praise you. I shall dedicate this article to you, so that your worth shall receive notice.