Thursday, July 26, 2012

League of Legends: Why Poppy Should Be Remade

Remakes are a great way to address design issues in a champion. They also make them feel refreshing, hopefully something more enjoyable to play as and against. For example, Evelynn and Twitch were just remade to address a lot of fundamental design issues revolving around strategic stealth, while also touching up some other areas of concern. A few champions still come to mind in needing a remake, such as Karma and Sion. However, one champion that has some incredibly frustrating design is Poppy.

What's wrong with Poppy?

Poppy has two major problems with her kit. Her passive and her ultimate. Both of these abilities have a heavy burden of knowledge for new players and create a frustrating experience for players. Fortunately, Poppy doesn't seem to be a very popular champion, so running into Poppy, or Poppy running into you, isn't a frequent pleasure.