Sunday, July 29, 2012

League of Legends: Diana - First Impressions

Diana, the Scorn of the Moon

Leona's inverse finally approaches, wielding the power of the moon, a slick suit of black armor,  and a large crescent blade. This lunar maiden brings an interesting blend of assassin and fighter to the League of Legends. Her strongest positions on Summoner's Rift seem to be in the jungle, or soloing in the top lane. 

I found Diana to be quite fun to play from the time I experimented with her on the Public Beta Environment. While I'm not a huge fan of fighter-type champions, I enjoyed her kit and liked some of the design choices made. Zyra was a little visually disappointing for me, as I felt she could've looked much more impressive than she did, but Diana's presentation is very well done.

Overall, I only had a few reservations from my experience, but I was happy to see her not be another AD-based fighter. Her kit felt refreshing and different from the other champions currently in the game, and her position as an AP Fighter can spark some interesting builds.