Tuesday, July 24, 2012

League of Legends: The 0 CS Support

The 0 CS Support

In the current state of the game it is almost universally played in intermediate and expert play where the support in the side lane doesn't compete with their lane mate for last hits. This allows the carry to grab as much gold for their build as quickly as possible. Because of this, supports in bottom lane are typically champions that still have high impact with minimal farm, such as Janna, Soraka, Blitzcrank, and Leona.

Who would want to play support?

With so much emphasis on farming, who would even want to play a role that relinquishes it all? Most people would prefer playing a champion that can farm and kill over a support, but this was true even prior to the 0 CS meta. I personally find more people voluntarily playing support now than in the past, though that may also be due to people's increasing desire to stick to popular trends and social pressures. Playing a support is also usually a more relaxed role than others during the laning phase, since you don't need to worry about last hits in addition to your opponents. A comfort also comes with knowing that you can still have a large impact even with fewer items than everyone else.


So my friend just exposed me to MapCrunch. It uses Google Maps but removes the ability to really see where you are specifically and where you're going. When you start, you are thrown into a random place in the world. You can then freely explore as you please, or play the game of trying to find an airport.

It's odd that something so simple is fairly addicting. It gives an odd "survivor" feel if you are trying to search for an airport. Aside from that, it's interesting to see the architecture and layouts of different cities. You can find some pretty amazing buildings and can simply enjoy exploring places you'd likely never visit. I found myself admiring some person's lawn for a good five minutes, or wondering what this silo-looking building is inside a residential district.

If you're looking for some random exploration, MapCrunch is a simple but interesting pass-time. Just hit the green "GO!" button. I didn't think I'd like blindly wandering around in a random spot of the world, but I found myself enjoying it quite a bit. Now off to go look at some more interesting neighborhoods!